Corn Seeds Ornamental Popcorn Seeds Sweet Corn Normal (su) Sweet Corn Open Pollinated Sweet Corn Sugary Enhanced (se) * Double Red Sweet Corn # * 1 ounce $545 In Stock * 1/2 pound $2795 In Stock BUY NOW * Earth Tones Dent Corn # * 1 ounce $415 In StockKandy Korn Sweet Corn has a nice creamy texture, delicate flavor and good sweet corn flavor Great for freezing Looks good in the garden, too Has pretty, redhued leaves Kandy Korn is a sugaryenhanced hybrid (se) and is known for its superior tenderness, creamy texture and good "cornThis is a list of the most commonly cultivated varieties of sweet corn, and the approximate number of days from germination of corn plant to harvestUnless otherwise noted with the term open pollinated, all varieties are hybrids Genetically modified varieties only available to largescale commercial growers, such as Bt corn and glyphosate resistant corn, are not listed

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Double red sweet corn seed-7143 Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated) $ 27 – $ Seed List Widelyadapted Vigorous plant tolerates stress well Attractive, high quality ears are easy to snap GRSE = Geographical restriction;Jimmy Red is a day corn and has a 1012 inch ear on 810 feet tall plants Folks, this is a finefinerare corn It differs from Bloody Butcher in that it is a pure strain of corn that is high in protein and bricks, thus leading to a sweeter taste Bloody Bucher is a

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Ears grow to 12", with a dark and bright red color They are great for eatingLustrous kernels ranging from darkred to deeppurple stand out on the plate and in the field Sweet and flavorful, this variety is delicious eaten fresh from the cob but also works quite well dried and ground into cornmeal Equally gorgeous darkred stalks grow 57' tall and produce 12 ears per stalk This versatile variety was bred by Alan Kapuler, PhD, Seed Savers Exchange lifetimeDue to a vendor agreement, we may not be able to supply large quantity orders in the Southeast States Learn more →
Approximate seeds per pack Days till maturity 85 Annual Full Sun This classic Oregon heirloom is absolutely packed with antioxidants Sweet and delicious, this variety will stain your fingers while you eat it with its beautiful maroon kernels!80 to 100 days — The stalks, leaves, and cobs of 'Double Red' sweet corn are beautifully colored in hues of purple and reach six to seven feet tall Producing two ears per stalk, the kernels are an intense, antioxidant rich, anthocyanindense, purple color Harvested young at about eighty days, it is a sweet and tasty fresh eating earOnce ground, Jimmy Red Corn has a rich, sweet taste that is the gold standard for red corn In addition to grinding, Jimmy Red is a great corn for roasting fresh Plants have great vigor in a wide variety of growing conditions and produce two ears per stalk that are 1012″ in length
Zeas mays Organic Hopi Blue Corn ( days) 1/2 oz seed packet about 5060 seeds Once a traditional staple corn of the Hopi people Hopi Blue grows 57' tall with purple/blue 9" ears Can be eaten as sweet corn when picked young 30% higher protein levels than dent corns Source of blue corn flourAmerican Dream Treated (F1) Corn Seed Fullseason bicolor (sh2) with premium flavor and tenderness Fullseason bicolor (sh2) with premium flavor and tenderness 77 Days Select Packet $475 1,000 Seeds $1613 5,000 Seeds $7080 25,000 Seeds $ 100,000 Seeds $ Packet / $475 QuantityBlood Brothers 70 days A very productive, strong stalked variety that is a creamy color when edible, ripening to a blood red color with occasional purple red (dried blood) colored ear While sweet, it is not super sweet and makes a good grinding corn as well 1 oz Pkt $250;

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(su) Brilliantly colored kernels in shades of red to purple, with deep red stalks and husks A delicious early sweet corn that's excellent for eating fresh from the cob, but also good for drying and grinding to make traditional corn flour (dating back to its Hopi ancestry) High yields from short stalks Bred by Alan Kapuler PhD of Peace SeedsGurney's is pleased to offer premium treated seed for all our sweet corn varieties Treated seed provides the following benefits to ensure growing success • Seed's hard coating enhances germination and plant vigor • Allows earlier planting of the seed—coating protects the seed until soil reaches the proper temperatureBuy sweet corn seeds per pound in yellow, white or bicolor corn options With our popular

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Read our guide on how to grow sweet corn to learn more If you want to start growing sweet corn in your garden or on your farm, we are proud to offer a wide selection of high quality sweet corn seeds in the most common varieties, including yellow types, bicolour types, and specialty types such as ornamental corn and popcorn Sweet corn is seldom seriously damaged by diseases in the home garden Reduce many of the potential disease problems by following proper cultural practices, including Use commercially grown certified and treated seed to improve stands Plant varieties that are recommended for South Carolina (see HGIC 1308, Sweet Corn)Choose from over 85 sweet corn seed varieties bicolor sweet corn, yellow sweet corn and white sweet corn A wide variety of genetic types including normal sugary, sugary enhanced, supersweet, synergistic and Sweet Breed sweet corn seed types are available Corn seeds should be planted in a spot that receives full sun, in welldraining soil

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Table 1 Effects of standard seed treatments and a nontreated control treatment for stand establishment and seedling vigor of sweet corn 2 Dampingoff caused by Pythium can be a significant problem with sweet corn As a result, most sweet corn seed is treated with fungicides that contain metalaxyl or mefenoxamA delicious early sweet corn that was bred by Alan Kapuler of Peace Seeds and now brought into production by our friends at the A P Whaley Seed Company 48 seed £ 313 Stock Double Red out of stock until next season (Late November) Glass Gem Popcorn A multicoloured flint corn for flour or popping, this is the prettiest corn we have ever grown(Isla's Garden Seeds), Non GMO, 90% Germination Rates, Highest Quality Seeds

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Want an idea of what eating this is like is pomegranate meets sweet corn Makes delicious and colorful banana breadHybrid SE Sweet Corn Ruby Queen is an amazing new sweet corn with an amazing corn colorit's really red!Derived from crimson colored painted mountain sweet corn cobs Intercrossed for two cycles to increase diversity Ready to be tested in your backyard!

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W ithout a doubt, Double Red Sweet Corn is of the most beautiful corns we've ever seen It's deep red from root to tassel kernels, husk, foliage, cob, and silk The dark kernels are naturally high in anthocyanins, the same antioxidants linked to dark red, purple andDOUBLE RED Sweet Corn Array $199 Ask a question about this product Description A superb addition to the list of cool purple vegetables Plants are 1518 m tall with 12 ears per stalk Normal sugary (SU) kernels are sweet and richly flavored, but the real coup of Double Red is the ridiculously dark red color(Isla's Garden Seeds), Non GMO Seeds, 85% Germination, Highest Quality Seeds, 100% Pure 43 out of 5 stars

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4 Pkts $800 Certified Organic SeedJubilee Sweet Corn is a hybrid, yellow sweet corn variety that is a favorite by many for its oldtimey corn flavor This is a standard (su) variety which means that it has more starch and less sugar than sugaryenhanced (se) and supersweet (sh2) varieties Because it is a "su" variety, ears should be eaten/processed within 35 days ofErnel red streak, or KRS, is a phenomenon wherein streaks of red pigments radiate throughout the pericarp of an otherwise yellow kernel On a bright, sunny day, the combination of red and yellow is strikingly beautiful The occurrence of kernel red streaking does not seem to restrict itself to fields of "good" corn or "bad" corn

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Visit Fedco on Instagram ©21 Fedco Seeds, IncIsolation Distance, 12 miles Corn is monoecious plant, meaning it has separate male (tassel) and female (ears)parts on each plant Select the earliest and fullest cobs on each plant for seed savingBulk Organic Sweet Corn Seeds (1 LB) Seeds Only 1 left in stock order soon Honey Select Yellow Corn Hybrid Seeds, 50 Heirloom Seeds Per Packet, Sweet Corn, Fantastic Addition to Your Garden!

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Corn (Maize) Corn seeds are perfect for growing in home gardens Shop and find a variety of tastes and colors from sweet corn Find a range of popular sweet corn seeds and hybrids available at Burpeecom BurpeeFedco Seeds PO Box 5 Clinton, ME questions@fedcoseedscom (7) (no phone orders) Catalog Requests (7) Visit Fedco on Facebook;You won't believe how appetizing a red corn can be until you see it on your plate, then bite into the extrasweet, tender kernels You can enjoy Ruby Queen at two stages

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50 seeds/pack 85 days Festivity is a multicolored sweet corn developed in OR by the late breeder Jonathan Spero and pledged as an Open Source Seed variety The vigorous plants tolerate cool soils and will often produce up to 34 ears per plant Color intensifies as the cobs mature with red, yellow, blue, pink and white kernelsSweet corn seeds are perfect for growing in gardens because they are droughtresistant and easy to grow Whether you're growing corn on a small scale at home or on a larger scale for a business, our selection of bulk sweet corn seeds is perfect for you! Get your seeds now from True Leaf Market 3 Golden Bantam Burpee boldly states that this is the variety which made yellow sweet corn popular Apparently, when Burpee first introduced it in 1902, people only wanted white kernels, the color that signified a highquality product at the time 'Golden Bantam'

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1 to 4 $2190 Seed / Organic / 1,000 Seeds 5 or more $1525 Brilliantly colored kernels in shades of red to purple on beautiful red stalks w/ red husks High yields from 67' plants Shows some color variation in stalk and husk color A delicious early, 68" ear of sweet corn that is excellent for eating and good for drying andThis popcorn has an incredible expansion rate, and it is fun to watch the deep red corn kernels transform into white popcorn when popped!Red sweet corn seed red sweet corn More from this shop See all items from this shop Mountain Sweet Yellow Watermelon Seed 1/4 oz package APWhaleySeed $ 450 Free shipping eligible Add to Favorites Black Beauty Eggplant Seed 100 ct Packet

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This sweet corn comes from a traditional seed breeder in Germany as a very sweet, fairly early variety bearing large yellow kernels It is a sugarenhanced corn that will grow well in many different places Our sweetest variety, perfect for fresh eating, canning, freezing and adding to a myriad of delicious dishes, and best of all you can saveMoonshine F1 Sweet Corn Rating Required Select Rating 1 star (worst) 2 stars 3 stars (average) 4 stars 5 stars (best) NameGet it as soon as Wed, May 12 FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon "Peaches and Cream" Hybrid Bicolor Sweet Corn Seeds, 25 Premium Heirloom Seeds, Incredible Flavor, Hot Price!

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Festivity is a multicolored sweet corn developed in OR by the late breeder Jonathan Spero and pledged as an Open Source Seed variety The vigorous plants tolerate cool soils and will often produce up to 34 ears per plant Color intensifies as the cobs mature with red, yellow, blue, pink and white kernelsRuby Red ornamental corn is excellent for popping, and has a rich nutty flavor!The spectacularly red tone of this sweet corn was achieved by the brilliant Dr Alan Kapuler (aka Mushroom) of Peace Seeds, who has developed new varieties on his small organic farm for decades His work with this corn, of course, builds on centuries of selection done by indigenous people of the Americas

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